THE FORGOTTEN NATURAL CONSTANT: SFERICS = ATMOPSHERICAL EMF - INTERNATIONAL RESEARCH FOR HUMAN HEALTH SINCE more then 35 YEARS NOW To protect humans, animals and plants regarding findungs due to teir basic EMF evolution on earth: To do by an added nature copied electro-magnetic AC "fair/nice weather field emission" everywere (small portable device for all daily ... urban living areas; patent appl. tech.) or realized by the way of MODULTAION technolgies for instance all wireless communications systemes; see WLAN, Bluetooth, mobilphone 4G/5G/6G .... successors <<>> read more the following content here >>>>
"Are this impossible or not realistic ideas?" To realize new electronic devices like wireless transmitters based on a "nice weather field modulations form" (mobiles & cell phones, WLAN, bluetooth sucessors). And to protect humans due to thunderstorms and hurricanes <> possible better predictions of there arrival path via EMF's like Sferics or Technics analysis. What does this mean? EMF's means natural EMF = Sferics and technical /artificial / synthetic) man made EMF's = Technics! Please check the following graphics just to illustrate all main parallely given EMF's at our living habitat at our wonderful planete earth. This EMF's interact multi-lateraly to al livingsthings (human/animal bodies neuronally and also plants), but remember, that all Technics are given around 120 Years ONLY (!!) and the natural EMF like Sferics (Schuman wave, earths magnetfield and so on) are evolutionary (DNA) established for Millions of Years; this has huge consequences as to imagine by the graphics now here:
Short Introductions - "The earth life reference": SFERICS So fare the descriptions what "nice weather field" or SFERICS EMITTER (as for instance a SFERICS headphone use filmed) are and more <> a vision becomes true - or a mission for all of us:
- "SFERICS" or "atmosherics" are existing because of spatial air movements and very fine discharges between plus and minus electrostatic zones. All weather conditions (hint: clouds, wind/thermal lift, high or low pressure ... thunderstorms, tornado's) relate to different types of discharges (invisible) since millions of years now.
- The most well known SFERICS is the visible lightning of thunderstorms. Animals, humans and plants learned over millions of Years to combine this weather conditions to such parallel perceived fine bursts or discharges (so called sferics) as an alarming or relaxing information (meteorotropy).
- Well known scientists as Prof. S.A. Cummer (Stanford Univ., USA / CA) or Prof. H.-D. Betz (Techn. Univ. Munich / Germany) or Prof. H. Mahlberg (Fr. Univ. Berlin / Germany) agree with the existence of sferics or atmospherics - a "bio-system weather indicator" ... In modern TV, WEB, journal media's so called "weather sensivitiy" is diffuse factor, which forced for instance the "1. Int. Weather Sensivity Center" in Bad Gastein / Austria; more at demos.
Main first statistical & epidemiological research was done from Dr. rer. nat Reinhold Reiter (Munich, Germany) in the fifties: At his Book “meteorology and electricity of the atmosphere” (AVG Leipzig, 1960) he pointed out, that at certain weather conditions and “related higher atmospheric EMF levels at the so called longer waves frequency range” (hint: sferics frequency range is at VLF/ELF's) a significant higher rate of working accidents all over different types of employees like handcrafters, miners or car drivers <> a registered related correlation factor to “bad weather”! Very astonishing is as well, that he named the economic and social influences of that “higher quantity weather accidents cases”; hint: Original two book pages are to download here at Demo & Movies just in German ("Meteorobiology & Infra-Waves"; Dr. Reinhold Reiter1960); see the following main book pages 246 and 247!.
And more: The following word wide well know scientists and medical/healing persons agree with this sentence officially:
- "Sferics or atmospherics are not to negate as absurd parascience. Behind sferics are meteorological and bio-medical phenomena to register or to interpret; hint: Basics of bio-weather and for weather sensitive humans." Subscribing names: Prof. Fritz-Albert Popp (IIB, Neuss / Germany), Prof. Dr. rer. nat. Manfred Geilhaupt (Univ. of Appl. Sciences, Moenchengladbach / Germany), Prof. Dr.-Ing. N. Harthun (Leipzig / Germany), Prof.-Ing. Dieter Lauer (Tierhaupten, Germany), a German stat. nat. healer Stefan Mair (Munich / Germany) ... and so on ... f.i. Prof. Franz Adlkofer (see DNA bracke...).
Anyway sferics are not only a "back ground noise" et cetera, as it was mostly thought in the past. Don't forget our central nervous system inside our body:
- It works on transmissions of bursts! Also today our well being is directly influenced on this often so called "back ground noise of he atmosphere" (also covered in houses plus technical field emitters like DECT, GSM mobile phones, WLAN or the home's power supply) ... the wave length is longer then X thousand KM or miles ... very low frequency magnetic fields go through all materials and our body (see literature: Robert O. Becker, "Cross Currents"). <br>Furthermore and unfortunately science knows, that artificial human made (periodic/coherent) field emissions by electrical devices are damaging living things on our planet (hint: EMC/EMF, later more). On the other hand are existing magnetic field therapies via sinusoidal or periodical signals at certain frequencies, but only some minutes per day and not months/years permanently!
So this gift of our nice blue planet having stochastic/incoherent fields or el.-magn. signals in the atmosphere was and is our "reference field situation" today till the year 1898 when Nicola Tesla invented alternating 50/60 Hz power supply et cetera. To get those SFERICS, better explained "nice weather fields" as an relaxing meteorotropy information everywhere all the time "should be" a technical approach back to or biological basics! Years of scientific investigations via recordings, signal analyses and theoretical models now offer us a digital copy of he nature: The patented "nice weather field generator" as shown above in 1.). The meteorotropy correlates high significantly in statistics to diseases like migraine, epilepsy, depression, sleeping problems or thrombosis functions or increase (hint: Prof. E. Jacobi, Germany) and so on. How we humans feel during high pressure or nice weather is well known .... relaxed, no physical alarm! Should we have that all days as from now?!
SUMMERY: The portable nice weather field generator for everyone's WELLBEING will or could offer:
- Less huge head age like migraine or disease caused irritations (as by brain tumors, read more at demos, point 4a.).
- Less weather change body effects like endogenic depressions or nervous overstimulation (hint: South German "Foehn" or changing weather conditions elicits/provokes it's typical pains after med. operations).
- Break in high significantly correlation's between bad weather and sleeping problems, epileptic seizures, acute hearing loss, probable influenced thrombozyt functions are antizipated using this new generator (Disseration-Lit.: E. Jacobi / DE1979; R. Sandhagen / DE1990; C. Moritz / DE1993; M. Znorowski / DE1996).
- Don't miss sferics basics of Walter Sönning and it's "first analysis" at .
- Besides remember to for example to the REFLEX study of Prof. Adlkofer (Germany, Munich); facts due to DECT, UMTS mobile phones.
- The same context and the needs in additional natural SFERICS field emissions are underlined here at some further important EMC/EMF LINK's:…;; please visit the LINK and video of Ms. Prof. Cindy Sage (USA):; the doctoral thesis of Mr. Prof. Cummer / Standford Univ.…. Further more at the LINKS "Research" and "Demo&Movies" here.
- The generator's main research relates to a doctoral thesis of D.Sc. Florian M. König in USA 2004 (visit dissertation or get the German book: "Die Natur braucht Chaos"); or some pre-prints at research and movies at demos here.
- Don't misunderstand this WEB side contents here: What we like to do and in the future is not to replace approved medical tech. or chemical applications or medical care and medicines! We describe here how to help the human or animals body to come back to a "mostly nature based EMF environment" at our industrialized 21st century in practice (hint: Compare to the earth's live evolution and EMF situation) just to "reduce artificial EMF caused stress" (scientifically in theory: More or less neuro-nerval based) - in addition to the disclaimer at imprint.