A very new book by D.Sc. Florian M. König --- "THE MEANINGFULNESS OF NATURE-RELATED RADIATION FORMS AND RESULTING NEW TECHNOLOGIES"; released 3.2021, e-book ISBN 978-3-9823116-0-9. As an introduction, the first 22 pages of this book, for example, including the associated table of contents. If you want to order this e-book, write us an email directly.

1.) "Die Natur braucht Chaos", origional US dissertation 2004 released as German book, author: Dr. Florian M. König, published at the Michaels Verlag, Germany (Germany, 2005) ISBN: 978-3-89539-712-7.

2.) A German written scientific study 2012-2014 as a print / book "Sferics bio-effects on humans – new subject-related statistical investigations in meteorosensitivity"; released in May 2014, extraordinary print, ISBN 978-3-00-045904-7. The study was controlled & assisted by the University Freiburg (Germany, Prof. A. Matzarakis) and the German "Helmholtz-Instuitute" (Dr. Breitner & Dr. Schneider).
WBM 2.2014, "Sonderheft" or study review print as small 128 pages book.
3.) Much more actual "peer reviewed paper" (and reference you can find here until 2020! As well popular science article until 2021 here.
Some extraordinary news due to eartqueke predictions are this:
HAITI, Jan. 13th 2010: Predictions of Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Thunderstorms, Hurricanes, new wireless modulation techniques, weather-related effects on atmospherics/sferics and more read here: www.sferics.eu/de/content/research and eartquake viewing by http://earthquake.usgs.gov/
Example for pre eartquake signals at a 2D spectrum analysis screenshot: Here is shown a dominant periodic 50 Hz power supply, some typical VLF-ELF technics (for earthquake predictions relevant; see Tsunami 2004) and the horizontal SFERICS. But this sferics are devided in atmospherics and ground sferivcs due to pre-earthquaske sferics! More details are explained at my US disseratation 2004 or book reliese called "Die Natur braucht Chaos" (2005).
Further content: One of our main first presentations were at the medteceurope 2016 (Bannerproject.eu). and much more at http://www.fk-e.de/person_en.html.
Absolutely interesting for Gemans: In 2021 a new book around 5G networking, so called "5G Mobilfunknetze" (available as e-book). I supported this book by a preface and some "bio-compliant" technolgical content.